LamaLi - Nepal/France

LamaLithe paper from the end of the world

The collections LamaLi are made of handmade items, made from natural and/or recycled materials, and from fair trade.

Kabambî had a particular crush on the travel and writing journals, made in Nepal. Magnificent! They make you want to write, inspire you...

LamaLi, founded in 1993 by Mr David Friedlander, is based in Paris. The collections are conceived and designed here, and the production is entrusted to LamaLi's partner workshops in Nepal and India. These craftsmen work according to their traditional know-how, using their own materials and techniques, but with the trends imagined by LamaLi.

The paper is traditionally made for centuries from the bark of a Nepalese shrub, Daphne cannabina, also known as Lokta. Strips cut from the bark are softened for hours in water and boiled. The strength and flexibility of the paper is due to the fact that the fibres are pounded with a wooden mallet on a flat stone for hours. This "pulp" is then spread evenly on sieves, forming a sheet that will dry in the sun on the hills.

Some of the leaves obtained will then be coloured with natural pigments.

A partnership professional

Over the past 23 years, LamaLi has developed a true professional partnership, focusing on organisation, remuneration, working hours, employment of women, employee protection and the environment.

In Nepal, this partnership has even led to the creation of a pension system for the workers, medical care and help with schooling for their children.

This partnership has finally allowed Nepalese suppliers to obtain international certificates:

  • -ISO 9001 (in 2000) which ensures that the products are constantly in line with what the customers demand and the regulations in force, while ensuring that their quality is constantly improving;
  • -ISO 14001 (in 2004) through which environmental impact is measured and improved, such as a system for recycling the water used in the Nepalese workshop.

A commitment ethics

Since its foundation in 1993 and in parallel to its commercial vocation, LamaLi is committed to the schooling and education of children in Nepal. We have taken the liberty of reproducing below the text written by LamaLi explaining its actions:

"This action has two main axes: on the one hand, encouraging the schooling of the children of the staff of the partner workshops; on the other hand, an action more particularly aimed at the children of the Humla region.

1- Commitment to our suppliers

The LamaLi-funded incentive scheme for children to attend school takes the form of an allowance paid to each employee-parent. This is a sustainable measure with no time limit. It was introduced in 2000. Since then, approximately 75 children have been taken into care each year. This allowance is paid on the basis of the documents provided by the parents, up to the last year of secondary school, for two of their children. It is intended for all employees. By supporting them during these decisive years, LamaLi wishes to strengthen the access of young children to a necessary level of education. This measure seems to be a success, as the many employees concerned are thus made aware of the issue of education and schooling for young children.

2- Commitment to the schooling of the children of Humla

This commitment goes back a long way before the creation of Lamali, as it has its roots in David Friedlander's links with Nepal - more particularly with the region of Humla - since the 1980s, and in the support he gives to Mr. Kunga Tsering to improve the lot of the inhabitants of this region.

Lamali's commitment today is mainly through its support to theHimalayan Children's Society. This non-profit association was founded in 1998 on Lamali's commitment to provide financial support in the long term. Exclusively managed by Nepalese people, HCS has been directed by Mr. Kunga Tsering since its foundation.

The vocation of the Himalayan Children's Society is to welcome and accommodate free of charge children from the Humla region in order to allow them to follow a regular school education in the best possible conditions, while keeping alive links with their community of origin through its language (Tibetan) and its culture.

Learn more about the Himalayan Children's Society, visit their Facebook page.

The Himalayan Children's Society - Kathmandu is the first branch of the organization

Created in response to the political unrest that led to the closure of schools in the Humla region, the HCS Kathmandu began operating in 2003 with 6 Humli girls. Its potential of around 20 children was quickly reached. As the political situation improved, the decision was made to send twelve of the youngest children back to Humla to continue their studies in the HCS house in Yalbang. After a period of adjustment, the children were very happy to be back in their home area and to be closer to their families. The house in Kathmandu is now home to 9 children - boys and girls - who are in the process of completing their education.

Himalayan Children's Society - Humla, in the village of Yalbang

Since 2006 the political situation in Nepal has calmed down and HCS has been able to implement the project we had in mind for a long time, a home for the children in Humla itself. The Humla House was built near the village of Yalbang where the public school common to the whole area is located. The idea was to create a free accommodation that would allow the children to stay close to the school, saving them the sometimes very long daily commute. This solution was intended to encourage parents to send their children to school and to guarantee a more constant attendance at school by keeping the children away from family chores.

Beyond our direct involvement, Humla House has become a reality thanks to ISIS Nepal, Karuna Foundation, Nepal School Project and many others... It now houses 233 children. A hundred other children, without being housed, are supported in their schooling by the Himalayan Children's Society."