Watering can & Parsley - Zimbabwe/France

Watering can & Parsleyit's Art, Poetry, and Human

Alain Grand, discovering Zimbabwe at the end of the 90s, fell in admiration of these craftsmen who, with rudimentary means but immense talent, work with recycled metal and give it form and life.


He created in 1995 Watering can & Parsley (A&P), a collection dedicated to the world of plants and the garden. At first, the artisans worked from their homes, spread over several districts of the capital Harare. In 2004, Alain Grand decided to set up a common workshop, for better working conditions and group cohesion.


The creations are poetic and yet very realistic. There is a real emotion in them. The creations are registered designs. The recovered metal is cut out, the parts are traced by hand, cut with shears and then assembled, then stamped by hand before being arc welded. The result is amazing!


Arrosoir & Persil works in accordance with Fair Trade specifications. A & P is a member of the Minga association.


The brand employs about twenty families in Zimbabwe and about ten people in France.


Arrosoir & Persil takes part in many events in France and Europe, such as plant festivals and garden exhibitions. Their stands are always absolutely MA-GNI-FI-QUE! You can enter the world of A & P.